SwIdeas - Reworking the dynamics

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Map of positive Experiences across Europe (EU+Map)

Project aim: EU+Map project is a two-year project which aims to improve language teachers’ and trainers' teaching skills to create alternative learning paths for migrants, and reach participants with difficult preconditions to learn. Further, it offers migrants at risk of social exclusion the opportunity to participate in informal pilot language courses adapted to their needs.


Project Objectives:

  1. Improving the competencies of educators (methodological manuals, digital tools and upskilling sessions that present alternative language teaching programs for migrants focusing on implementing emotional teaching methods based on the storytelling and positive experience-sharing approaches, raising awareness on how the emotional dimension can affect language classes)

  2. Creating upskilling pathways and improving accessibility (innovative, based on storytelling language courses that consider emotional aspects in education for adult migrants with unfavourable preconditions to learning)

  3. Promoting social inclusion (focusing on migrants’ positive impression of Europe and sharing personal experiences, creating small positive stories in written or oral form)


Target groups:

  1. T1 - primary beneficiaries: developers and trainers

  2. T2 - primary beneficiaries: migrants excluded from regular integration language programs

  3. T3 - secondary beneficiaries: institutions supporting migrants and trainers


Project timeframe: 01/11/2022  - 31/10/2024

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, and led by Iberika Education Group in Germany. The project consortium includes partner organisations from Greece (Active Citizens Partnership), France (Pisted Solidaires), Denmark  (CLAVIS sprog & competence), Italy (CESIE), Spain( Del Pais Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) and  Sweden (SwIdeas AB).

Project’s website: EU+Map | Map of Experiences across Europe (euplusmap.eu)

Contact the project coordinator

Emily Hanna - emily.hanna@swideas.se