Assessing Competencies for the Future (SCOUT)
SCOUT was KA2 Strategic Partnership in the field of adult education co-funded by Erasmus +. The project was led by the German Institute for Adult Education Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE) in cooperation with Career Development and Integration (DEFOIN) (Spain), LjudskauniverzaVelenje (Slovenia), DAFNI (Greece), “die Berater” Unternehmensberatungs GmbH (Austria) and SwIdeas (Sweden).
SCOUT aimed to improve the recognition of qualifications and competences of newcomers by developing a set of counselling tools to assess and document those skills. The project developed a toolkit, curriculum and manual based on an existing model called ProfilPass and train counselors in this. The PP-system is based on the fact that people learn mostly in informal environments like the life experiences, voluntary work and through coping with challenges of their lives. It assumes that all human beings have competences and that all competences are valuable regardless where they have been acquired. This method was developed in the European funded TOI project "Knowing interests showing skills" (KISS 2013-15) coordinated by DIE. The SCOUT programme aimed to develop this tool to ease newly arriveds way into employment, education or training that is best suited to their competences.