What we have achieved
Strategic partnership to up-skill European Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the development of Environmental, Social and Governance strategies. (ESG-UP) is a KA2 Cooperation Partnership in vocational education and training co-funded by the Erasmus + of the European Union.
Feeling Home
Feeling Home is a KA2 Cooperation Partnership, co-funded by the Erasmus+ fund of the European Union. This innovative project aims to achieve a reduction in the risk of social exclusion of migrant women in our society.
#WeCoLead – Young Women’s Leadership for Collaborative Sustainable Communities
#WeCoLead is a KA2 Cooperation Partnership co-funded by the Erasmus + of the European Union.
Infodemics – Media Literacy in A Crisis
Infodemics is a KA2 Cooperation Partnership co-funded by the Erasmus + of the European Union. The project aims to assist youth and young people across Europe to better deal with the expanse of digital information and misinformation targeted towards them.
PITCH – a model for gender-sensitive integration strategies based on Personalised,partIcipaTory, loCal, and multistakeHolder approaches
This EU project is co-financed by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund. PITCH is a project aimed at establishing a common European ground to support the design and implementation of local integration strategies addressed to migrant women, based on a personalised, participatory, and multi-stakeholder approach.
YOUCREATE aims to empower young people from diverse cultural and national backgrounds and youth workers to contribute to more sustainable policies and practices and take the lead and utilize creativity to actively participate in the reshaping of our society towards a more circular future.
One Block for Educational Credentials (OBEC)
OBEC is an innovative project that aims to explore the potentials of Blockchain technology to promote competency development and recognition of skills and qualifications by creating an innovative system to issue and validate learning credentials on a trial basis
Women in Creative Power (WICP)
WICP aims to support the full integration of migrant and refugee women into their receiving communities by investing in the development of skills related to entrepreneurship and to the creative sector.
COmpetence Oriented COUnselling (COOCOU)
At the project’s core is the perception that people with cognitive impairments still face barriers regarding their participation in educational programs and, consequently, in the labor market.
Upskilling for more Creative Circular Economy (U-ECO)
An innovative project, U-ECO focuses on the process of transition towards a Circular Economy, addressing the need for a specific Circular Economy training that is able to boost employability, self-employment, and meet the new labor market demands.
Migrant Integration for Growth in Europe (MIraGE)
The general objective of the project is to increase the swift access and integration of third-country nationals in the labour market of their European host countries.