SwIdeas - Reworking the dynamics

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Eco Entrepreneurship Knowledge Resource Hub (Eco-Hub)

The Eco-hub was a two year Nordic project co-funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme. The project was a collaboration between the leading NGO Crossing Borders (Denmark), the school KalevanLukio (Finland) and SwIdeas (Sweden).

The Eco-Entrepreneurship Knowledge Resource Hub (Eco-Hub) project aimed to empower young people, who aspire to be sustainable entrepreneurs. The main objectives of the project were to educate young people, between the ages of 16-30 with diverse educational backgrounds and skills, in the fields of eco-entrepreneurship and social responsibility, as well as, fostering the inclusion and employability of young people. Through this, the project contributes to the development of a more sustainable and dynamic eco-entrepreneurship sector. Through this project, the partners supported and promoted the development of small-scale Eco-entrepreneurial projects initiated by the local youth in the three partnering countries.