MigraSCOPE was an EU co-funded project led by the Institute of Baltic Studies (Estonia), in partnership with the Institute of Public Affairs (Poland), Peace Institute (Slovenia), Municipal Training Centre of the Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), Centre for Cultural and General Studies of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), Inclusive Works (Netherlands) and SwIdeas (Sweden).

MigraSCOPE aimed to increase access to work and foster integration in the workplace for migrants through capacity building of both employers and migrants. Firstly, the project aimed to build the capacity of migrants by developing skills for finding and keeping a job. Secondly, the project aimed to build the capacity of employers and other stakeholders, by increasing their know-how for the better management of diversity, by challenging existing attitudes, and by creating incentives for introducing better integration practices through the exchange of experiences and transnational work-shadowing study-visits.


Project output

As part of project Migrascope, SwIdeas together with Nova Fahem interviewed employers and migrants on their perspective on labour market integration and how it could be improved. 



Countless are the debates, projects, and political decisions that strive to bring newcomers and migrants into the Swedish labour market. What have we achieved? How can we continue to improve this process? As part of project Migrascope, SwIdeas together with the Action Research Center for a Resilient Society organized workshops with employers, migrants, public authorities, and NGOs to assess together what has been done so far and what we can do to continue to foster integration and inclusion in the Swedish labour market.

Below, we’ve published their vision for a more inclusive workplace and our process.


Richness in Diversity


Youth to Youth