What we have achieved
Migrant Integration for Growth in Europe (MIraGE)
The general objective of the project is to increase the swift access and integration of third-country nationals in the labour market of their European host countries.
European Dialogue for Active Citizenship – (EDACate)
EDACate aims to evaluate and exchange good practice methods for training and teaching participation and citizenship.
Migrant in Fashion (MiF)
The aim of "Migrant in Fashion" is to develop entrepreneurial competencies of female migrants in Europe within the fashion sector through tested innovation in the existing offer.
Access to Global cOllaboRative Arena (AGORA)
This project was for young people between the age of 18-30 who have a good idea within the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) that they want to make it a reality!.
Skills to Maximise Inclusion through Interpretation and Mediation (SMIIM)
SMIIM aimed to help reduce the social barriers and economic obstacles faced by immigrants or refugees through providing interpreters and cultural mediators with improved training so that they are better placed to reduce communication barriers and draw public services and citizens closer together.
Assessing Competencies for the Future (SCOUT)
SCOUT aimed to improve the recognition of qualifications and competences of newcomers by developing a set of counselling tools to assess and document those skills.
Richness in Diversity
The project aimed to develop new diversity perspectives and strategies for social inclusion.
MigraSCOPE aimed to increase access to work and foster integration in the workplace for migrants through capacity building of both employers and migrants.
Youth to Youth
Youth to Youth brought together 16 high school youths from Lebanon, Turkey, Denmark and Sweden.
Eco Entrepreneurship Knowledge Resource Hub (Eco-Hub)
The main objectives of the project were to educate young people in the fields of eco-entrepreneurship and social responsibility.
Diversity in the Creative Industries
CER project works to promote diversity within the creative industries and the event brought together young creative professionals, artists, musicians, policy makers and leading figures in the cultural sphere.
Initiate, Cooperate, Innovate
The main focus was to generate ideas to create and empower young talents in cultural/creative industries, as means of promoting freedom of speech and human rights.